Monday 15 August, 2005

New anti hijack policy

Finally, cabinet committee on security(CCS) has approved anti-hijack policy which rules out negotiations with hijackers on their demands and stipulates that talks with hijackers can only be held with regards to preventing loss of life or ending the incident. CCS also gave approval to proposals, which include, death penalty to hijackers, reducing in bureaucratic hassles for getting permission for armed intervention to shorten reaction time, and also allowing shooting down of an hijacked plane in case there is conclusive evidence that it is being used as a missile like in the 9/11 terror attack.
Formulating a policy and implementing a policy are quite different things. It needs to be seen how government would react in a situation, where traumatic family members of a hijacked plane exert their influence for release of their loved ones. If we cave in to their pressure and accept hijackers demands then its implications will be worst than not having this kind of policy itself, but it will also confirm that we are a soft nation and we could be intimidated using terror tactics from implementing our policy and encouragess more such terror acts!.

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