Saturday 21 January, 2006

Random Thoughts

When i don't blog even for a day, i have this emptiness but sadly as i said in my earlier post, i have limited time for blogs, in which i have to manage & keep pace with other blogs in my blogroll and if time permits, then writing for my own blog. In addition to this, These days i feel guilty for not contributing anything for Focus-India, a new group blog initiative with majority of the contributors being either socialist or outright leftist(i'm neither) but sadly this initiative seems to be dead even before it begun, i hoped that this blog will reflect diverse views. Hopefully after a month or two, i will have much time to blog.

It is amazing to observe congress ignoring the ruckus over major issues in 82nd Congress plenary and maintaining focus on Rahul Gandhi's nomination to the Congress Working Committee. Congress men and women believe that he is a crowd puller, particularly youth. Well to be honest, my young friends consider him bane to the nation! (if he becomes PM or a Cabinet Minister) to which i concur, there i go, perhaps i revealed my prejudice!.

After spending hours watching the relay of Anand's corus tournament game, I'm very much disappointed that he lost to Kamsky, Now he is sharing his number one position in the tourney with Topalov, However Humpy is doing well with respective to her rating. Anyway still 7 rounds to go. Here is the 6th round games in PGN format, you can watch them using any PGN viewer software like Winboard.


Anonymous said...

I also like to write blogs about Indian Development in Future, and like to read blog relate to this.

Anonymous said...

That's nice jeevan, we should take interest in happenings around us than ignoring them due to stressfulness of the subject. Hope to read more on development & social issues on your blog!.